I don’t want to two-weapon fight, as it doesn’t work with Booming Blade all that well, and so many of my (future) abilities key off bonus actions. I’m not sold on fighting via either melee or archery, but I think I’ll go melee - Booming Blade and a rapier makes for a decent combination.

I'll probably take Arcana as my bonus skill, and I’d planned on taking the background Urban Bounty Hunter - along with Rogue skills that’d come to proficiency in all the Dex skills, all the Cha skills, and Arcana.
I plan on going straight Rogue (Arcane Trickster), but feel free to talk me out of that. I’d thought about taking Magic Initiate (Wizard) so I’d have a use for my decent Int for the first two levels, and to take Booming Blade (for extra damage on occasion), a utility cantrip, (for utlility, nothing more needs to be said), and Find Familiar, (for that sweet, sweet constant advantage, and therefore constant Sneak Attack). Or perhaps Wis and Cha should be swapped a negative Wis save modifier is nothing to envy, even if I’ll eventually get proficiency. Human as my race, and us using point buy, I settled on 15 (16) 15 (16) 14 8 8 10, putting the pair of 16s and the 14 into Con, Int, and Dex (although I can’t decide which should go where), the 10 into Cha, and the 8s into the Str and Wis. The build (a Rogue, eventually going into Arcane Trickster), looks somewhat like this: My two fellow players have already created their characters, a (Standard) Human Barbarian, built as the archetypal Barbarian, and a Revised Ranger, intending to go Beastmaster.

Hello, Giant in the Playground! A friend is beginning a 5e campaign soon, and I’ve created a build I’d like to get some feedback on.